Recording - Fast Lane Axon Framework online training

Get to know more about Axon

2 hour hands-on Axon training

In this recording of our free 2-hour hands-on training, Yvonne Ceelie, developer at AxonIQ, will briefly introduce Axon's basics.

The goal

This training will teach you how to develop an application using Axon. After a general overview of the architectural principles, we'll use practical examples to dive deep into the basics of the Axon Framework. During the hands-on session, you can take your first steps in implementing a small application using Axon Framework.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • Domain-Driven Design (DDD);
  • Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS);
  • Event Sourcing;
  • Axon Framework Fundamentals such as Command Handling & Aggregate Design as well as Event Handling & Query Models


Check out the live coding session by Steven van Beelen, lead developer of Axon Framework, to get a hands-on Axon example. You will see a link to this second recording once you register on this page.

Getting started

Download the project files from:
You also need Axon Server: Download Axon Server.

Why do I need to register? 

We help developers and software architects to be successful with Axon projects. When you register, your details will be shared with our developer to tailor content to your situation. Let us know if you have specific questions already.

Other trainings

Full Axon Training Program 

Do you want to deepen your knowledge concerning the concepts of event-driven microservices, DDD, CQRS and how Axon supports this journey? This is your opportunity to learn from lead developers from Axon.
During this 8 days, 2 hours per day, instructor-led online course, they will share the knowledge they have been building up for a decade since the launch of the Axon Framework in 2010.

More information about the Full Axon Training Program